Our firm specializes in the creation of a client-server software with the use of Internet-technologies. We have experience in the field of mechanical engineering, the missile industry, telecommunication, medical diagnostics and accounting of budgetary organizations. Behind a huge experience in creating many automated and automatic systems from such as "registration system, issuing and printing of GAI documents for MPEG», Call-center "Samara" based PBX "Eagle" production DMZ, to such serious, as the finance accounting system and build real-time reporting "field" level, the system is "Automation of tax reporting" and the level of "state" - "aS penalty: automated accounting system of exchequer execution of the budget of Ukraine."
Our software products have stood the test of reliability and performance and continue to operate, working around the clock and using the support form «on-line» of our firm.
The strong performance of our products are achieved through painstaking work and high commitment of our employees, as well as a platform on which to create our products. We use only licensed software, focusing on the Microsoft ™ company's products.